Dana Estates Neighborhood Alliance
in partnership with the City of Concord
Dana Estates Neighborhood Alliance (DENA) is a non-profit 501-3c organization partnering with the City of Concord.
1. The purpose of Dana Estates Neighborhood Alliance is to:
A. Encourage and maintain a neighborhood of which we can be proud.
B. Increase the feeling of security and concern among friends.
C. Inform the City of Concord about our community/neighborhood needs and concerns.
D. Act as a resource for the neighborhood by referring people to appropriate agencies,
departments, or individuals for information or services available.
E. Provide a forum where matters of interest or concern can be discussed and acted upon.
2023 Board Members
Executive Board
Chair: Peter Maclennan chair@danaestates.org
Vice Chair: OPEN
Treasurer: Angela Cantrell angela.dana.estates@gmail.com
Secretary: Elisabeth Hogue board@danaestates.org
Area Representatives
Area 1 (hi res map): Lisa Maclennan board@danaestates.org
Area 2 (hi res map): Angela Cantrell angela.dana.estates@gmail.com
Area 3 (hi res map): Sue Fullmore
Area 4 (hi res map): Christine Godinez board@danaestates.org
Area 5 (hi res map): Chris Wagnon fullmorefam@sbcglobal.net
Editor: OPEN
Bookkeeper: Sally Costa
Sign Coordinator: OPEN
Event Coordinator: OPEN
Neighborhood Watch: La Donna Lum denaboard@danaestates.org
News Letter Editor: Open
If you would like to join the board or volunteer your time; please email:
With your help, we can keep delivering events and newsletters to Dana Estates